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The primary muscle used in the seated calf raise is the gastrocnemius; the secondary muscle used is the soleus. Generally-speaking, the more inner, deep-seated muscles are brought into play first in any action - which would be the soleus. Also, in a "seated" raise, I would think the gastrocnemius is not put under any potential strain: it is a very strong muscle as it needs to lift the weight of the whole body; but, then, the soleus is not put under full pressure either in this position. Nevertheless, both are used for such exercises.

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Q: What is the primary muscle used in a seated calf raise?
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What is the primary muscle using a seated calf raise?

The primary muscle used in the seated calf raise is the gastrocnemius; the secondary muscle used is the soleus. Generally-speaking, the more inner, deep-seated muscles are brought into play first in any action - which would be the soleus. Also, in a "seated" raise, I would think the gastrocnemius is not put under any potential strain: it is a very strong muscle as it needs to lift the weight of the whole body; but, then, the soleus is not put under full pressure either in this position. Nevertheless, both are used for such exercises.

What is the insertion of the primary muscle used in a seated calf raise?

the heel, in particular the calcaneus. the joint utilised being the tibiotalar joint.

What is the prime mover for standing calf raise exercise?

The Gastrocnemius (calf muscle) is the primary mover. The Synergist (or assistor) muscle is the Soleus.

What is a calf raise?

A calf raise is an exercise for the calf muscle where someone raises their heel off the ground, to stretch the calf, and lowers it again.

What is the largest and strongest tendon in the body?

achilles tendon

What is the antagonist muscle used in a calf raise?


What calf muscle help you stand?

Every muscle in the back of the calf (with the exception of the popliteus) helps to raise you up on your tip toes.

Which muscle group is primarily worked by the heel raise?

your calf...

What muscle do heel raises work?

The heel raise exercise works your calf muscles, which are two separate muscles. The first is the gastrocnemius muscle, which is the outermost calf muscle on the back of your lower leg. Your soleus muscle is the second part of your calf muscle and rests underneath the gastrocnemius. However, the soleus is slightly wider than the gastrocnemius.

What is the muscle at the back of the calf called?

The largest muscle of your calf is the gastrocnemius.

What are calf raises?

calf raises (aka) toe raises are when you stand on the base of your foot and simply raise up as high as you can. Calf raises are good for increasing vertical, muscle strength and speed. some other ways to do calf raises are to stand onto a raised platform such as a step and simply raise up and hold for 3 to 5 seconds.