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Q: What is the primary purpose of certifying a DTS voucher or local vouche?
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How do you redeem voucher number in ovi music?

in Arabic country should to try from 605 to 1256 one of this number can be ur vouche

What is payment vouche?

A payment voucher is a bond which is worth a certain monetary value and which may be spent only for specific reasons or on specific goods

What makes you a reliabl?

The people that can vouche for me from different but related backgrounds

Where do you get molecular silver?

You can purchase molecular silver from a company called I cannot vouche for this company, as I am only beginning to use their products now, such as the MMS and the molecular silver. When I have determined results, I'll repost.

Where can you purchase seized or abandon vehicle in Albuquerque?

You can check out - they have a nationwide list of cars that are either siezed or surplus. They also have a search which is really handy so all you have to do is type in your zip code and you are good to go. I have used them a few times in the past when buying cars and I can vouche for them completely.

Can I study photography through an online course?

It depends on the school you are looking at to be honest. MIT is celebrating their 10th year of MITOpenCourseWare, and they offer a photography course. You could also check out 7 Excellent Open Courseware Collections by googling the term. They are free for the most part as well, so I can't vouche for how good the education would be.

I want to join the navy. but i have 2 misdomeners on my record. one was ajudacated.I want to serve my country. I graduated high school can you please help me.?

Visit your local recruiting office and just be completely honest with them. Tell them exactly what you said here, and it shouldn't be a problem you have a record, but if it is, usually what happens is the recruiter will take you to see his commanding officer and will vouche for you that they think you'll be a good recruit and will get you in.

Weakness of West corporation?

well i dont know abt all west corp but west rocky mount weekness is that they change policies so much and get rid of so many reps behind nonsense that they are unable to meet the needs of the companies they repesent. west rocky mount handles mainly t-mobile and im sure that they can vouche to what im saying.west rocky mount has fired more reps then they have hired

Are you a reliable person How so?

A person is reliable if he/she is responsible, knows how to manage time, knows his/her limitations, a person must be fast and lastly clever for good. Its not always in education we have to rely, but also with a person's way of living life.

What is wrong if you work out 5 days a week and take 3 aerobics classes and 1 yoga class twice a week plus weight lifting and walking about 5 miles a week and can NOT lose fat or weight?

AnswerIt might be a thyroid problem Are you eating sensibly, low fat, fruit and vegetables.avoid sugary drinks coke etc, cakes scones buns chocolate.The yoga and aerobics should tone you,as a yoga tutor I can vouche for this. As you are walking I'd wonder about the weight loss. I strongly recommend you see your doctor GOOD LUCK-------------------------More then likely you are gaining muscle which weighs more then fat. I dont agree with the reply above. Also your a bit vague in what form of aerobics classes you are taking: 1 - Do they use weights? etcI truly believe your gaining muscle and therefore your weight loss is little to none at best.

Why were Charles Manson's followers so devoted to him?

It's the perfect crime. He sends his little 'robots', they take all the chances, and if they are caught he can honestly say 'I didn't do it' and the rest of the family can vouche for him. He was there with them all night. Like most serial killers, Manson has a higher-than- average IQ. His big mistake was to underestimate Vincent Bugliosi. Manson didn't count on "The Bug" as Charlie called him, being less like a bug and more like a terrier. Bugliosi sank his teeth in and wouldn't let go. Not until Manson sat in the 'chair'. (Califonia's electric chair)