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This depends on the alleles that each parent carries.

The woman is homozygous recessive for both eye and hair traits (I have to write a disclaimer here as eye color inheritance is not this straight forward, but we will assume that it is for this example).

If the father is heterozygous for eye color 50% of the children will have blue eyes.

If the father is homozygous for brown eye color all children will be brown eyed.

So, if B represents the allele for brown eyes and b represents the allele for blue eyes and C is for curly hair and c is for straight hair (another disclaimer here as this is another trait that is not so straight forward).

Father BbCc Mother bbcc

25% Curly hair Blue eyes

25% Straight hair Blue eyes

25% Curly hair Brown eyes

25% Straight hair Brown eyes

Father BBCC Mother bbcc

all children will have Curly hair and brown eyes

Father BbCC Mother bbcc

50% Curly hair Brown eyes

50% Curly hair Blue eyes

Father BBCc

50% Brown eyes Curly hair

50% Brown eyes Straight hair

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Q: What is the probability of a women with blue eyes and straight hair with a man with brown eyes and curly hair of having a kid with blue eyes and straight hair?
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no. her hair is a dullish, straight, brown.

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Curly, that would look so cute and more interesting

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yes white people have curly hair too.white people have straight and curly hair.i'm white and i have curly dark brown hair.

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No she had long straight dark-brown almost black hair

How is probability used in biology?

It's used commonly to estimate the traits of a child of two parents. For example, the probability of the child having blue eyes, or curly hair, or even having genetic disease.

Why do people think having curly hair is so valuable?

because they have straight hair

Does Liam from the band One Direction have the straight light brown hair?

Yes, but his natural hair is curly.

What is the probability of getting curly hair?

The probability of getting curly hair depends on whether your parents do or not. Hair genes are decided by the mother. So, if the mother has curly hair, more than likely the offspring will as well. If the father has curly hair and the mother does not, the probability is considerably lowered.

Do girls with brown hair and freckles look better with straight or curly hair?

if you want to look sexy go staright..if you want to look cute go curly

What would be the probability that two straight haired parents would have a curly haired child?

1/4 100% however if one parents hair is even slightly wavy, the child could have curly hair

What does the curly and straight hair gene control?

If you have straight hair of curly hair. I think straight haris is dominant.