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Overfeeding or poor water quality

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Q: What is the problem if your fish are dying almost all at the same time?
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Related questions

What fish are compatible?

Almost all fish requiring the same or similar water parameters and conditions.

Why do some fish die when they die?

For the same reasons other organisms die. Dying is a part of living.

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Normally it should have no effect on the engine performance as regards 'dying'. You may have more than one problem.

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Yes and No. Leopards usually stay in the same place unless their is a need to move such as predators which is very few for them, or habitat is dying or other problem's. :)

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It is the idol censor. Mine had the same problem and the dealer was able to replace it.

What kind of fish is compatible with a Male Guppy?

A male guppy can be in the same tank with its own kind and/or with almost all peaceful fish smaller than 5 inchs.

Problem with the tips of your foilage turning brown wilting and dying away Is this fungus or a deficiency that you need to correct?

Usually this is a cultivation problem. Is it too dry? Is it too wet? The symptoms are the same. It is unlikely to be a disease.

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I had the same problem with a Lebaron I had. It turned out to be a wiring problem. Luckily there's really no part cost to fix this problem, just labor in tracking down the bad connection.

Can i add a another fish to my exsiting female betta fish?

Almost any kind of fish can live with a female betta, as long as they are close in size. Female bettas are not aggressive like males, so you should be able to put a few in the same tank without a problem

What does it mean when you fish lays on its side and is still breathing?

It might be sleeping, or it has a disease(don't know which kind though, sorry). Sounds like it is on it's way out. Do frequent water changes and see if the fish recovers, but make sure the water is the same temp as the tank water! You don't want to stress a dying fish!

The different between 'die of' and 'die from'?

it is the same thing. it's like: dying of starvation and dying from starvation. it's the same thing

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