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Q: What is the procedure used for making biological molecules?
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What simple experiment can be used to determine if a liquid compound contains polar molecules?

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) procedure can be used

What is the sourceof small molecules which are used in making synthetic polymers?

methane , propene

What do biomolecules do?

Molecules: groups of atoms bonded together due to the sharing or donating of electronsExamples: Carbon dioxide, water, NaCl, oxygenBiological molecules (a.k.a. biomolecules, organic macromolecules, or macromolecules): large molecules that are abundantly found in living organisms and are essential for life.There are four major types of biological moleculesCarbohydratesLipids (fats)ProteinsNucleic AcidsOther molecules may be considered biological if they are created or used by living organisms, but that is a very broad definition that would include molecules such as alcohols, gases, or inorganic compounds.

What term is used to describe one side a DNA molecules making another side of DNA?


Is it possible to multiply air molecules?

Multiplication in its most literal sense applies only to mathematical operations performed on numbers, not on physical objects. Metaphorically, multiplication is sometimes used to refer to the process of biological reproduction, but air molecules do nor reproduce and are not alive. And sometimes multiplication just means making more of something - my problems are multiplying. It is not impossible to make more air molecules, although there isn't a lot of reason to do that, since the Earth already has a suitably dense atmosphere. The planet Mars could use more air molecules, though.

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What biological molecules are used to store energy?

Lipids and polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen.

Are fats used as parts of biological membranes?

Proteins are a major constituent of biomembranes, accounting for as much as 50% of the volume. The primary molecules found in biological membranes around cells are lipids (biological fat or wax molecules).

Which two types of biological molecules are often used for energy storage in cells?

ATP and glucose.

What is the Latin phrase used to describe a biological procedure performed in a test tube or petri dish?

in vitro

How are proteins used in biological membranes?

there are protein channels in the membranes and it regulate the entry of the molecules of different size.

What are Inorganic elements of biological materials?

Inorganic elements of biological materials are components that are not naturally produced. This is often used to reference molecules in chemistry that are synthetic or man made.

What microbe is in tofu?

There is no microorganism involved in the making of tofu. It is soy milk curdled with basically what amounts to seawater. Other coagulants such as enzymes have been tested recently, but they are not traditionally used in tofu making, and enzymes are biological molecules but non-living organisms, so they wouldn't qualify as microbes.

What simple experiment can be used to determine if a liquid compound contains polar molecules?

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) procedure can be used

What is the sourceof small molecules which are used in making synthetic polymers?

methane , propene

What biological molecules are used to store energy in living organisms vary in structure and make up most of cell membrane?

ATP cells