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Q: What is the process by which moisture in the air clumps into droplets?
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What is the moisture in the air?

Answerevaporated water, or humidity.

When does condintation take place?

Condensation occurs when water vapor in the air cools down to form liquid water droplets. This process usually happens when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface, causing the air to release its moisture as water droplets.

What is saturating the air when the weather is humid?

Moisture (water droplets) is saturating the air when the weather is humid.

Why do your air conditioner coils have frost on them?

It is due to condensation of moisture/water vapour/droplets in air/atmosphere

How do clouds help they earth?

Clouds help the Earth by providing moisture in the air. You see, clouds are made up of ice crystals and water droplets which contain a lot of moisture. The moisture spreads out into the air providing moisture.

Small droplets of condensed air moisture?

Fog or clouds. when they collide they grow in size and becomes rain.

How does light and rain make a rainbow?

The moisture droplets in the air refract the light like a prism. This happens with millions of droplets, and depending on the angle at which you observe it, you see a rainbow.

When you see water on the outside of a cold soda can it has collected there because of from water vapor from the air?

Yes. The process is called condensation, and it's driven by the fact that the temperature of the air decides how much moisture it can carry. Warm air, the water stays as vapour. Then the warm air hits the cold can, the air cools off, can't carry as much moisture anymore and the excess ends up on the can as droplets.

How do clouds dissipate?

When temperature increases and humidity of air decreases the fog dissipates. Answer, Fog is moisture in the air condensing due to cooler ambient temperature at ground level. As the ambient temperature increases, generally due to the sun, the moisture in the fog will burn off and the fog will lift. You can't see vapor, but you can see droplets of water, droplets small enough to float in air (brownian motion). Whenever the droplets evaporate (heat, low humidity, etc) the water doesn't go anywhere but now you can see through it, thus "no fog".

Why do we see clouds along a cold front?

Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. On a cold winter morning, the moisture in our breath condenses and we see a small cloud (fog) coming out of our mouth and nose because the cold air isn't able to hold as much moisture as the warm air can. Clouds are composed of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. When a a leading edge of cold air (a cold front) travels through an area that is warmer, some of the moisture in the warm air condenses and forms a cloud, just like the fog coming out of our mouth on a cold day. A cold front often brings rain with it because of the condensation process that occurs. The many small particles of moisture that make up the cloud can merge into larger droplets and eventually fall to the ground as rain. Think of the droplets of water you see when you leave a cold can of soda pop sitting on the table.

Why does exhaled air turn foggy in cold areas?

The amount of moisture - water vapour, that air can carry without the water condensing - turning into droplets, depends on the temperature. Exhaled air has a fair bit of moisture in it that it has picked up from the lungs and the airways. If you exhale when it's warm, that moisture stays suspended in the air, and you don't see it. If you exhale when it's cold, the moisture condenses into tiny droplets, which you see as fog. Pretty much the same as when beads form on a cold glass or bottle or soda can. Or why a mirror steams over when you breathe on it.

Can you replace just one piece of glass in a double pane window?

NO, If you try you trap moisture between the two glass. when the air heats up the moisture in the trapped air willcondense and form droplets between glass