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Q: What is the process by which producers and consumers use glucose and oxygen to release energy?
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Process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules?

The process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules is respiration.

Where do producers consumers an decomposers obtain energy?

The energy in the producers comes from the sun. It feeds the consumers. The decomposers ultimately release the energy from the consumers and the producers that were not consumed.

What Do producers release during the process photosynthesis?

Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis.

What role do producers and consumers play in the carbon cycle?

Producers take in carbon and release oxygen as their waste which consumers breathe and then we release carbon as a waste and so on...

By process do all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of glucose?

Glycolysis is the process that all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of glucose.

What is the process that the consumers use to release energy from their food?


What is the name of the energy released from food in a chemical reaction called?

Respiration is the series of chemical reactions used to release energy stored in food molecules. it is also the process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules.

Why do producers both use and release carbon dioxde?

Plants (producers) use carbon dioxide to make glucose for food. When it breaks down glucose for food, it produces carbon dioxide just like we do when we break our food down for energy.

How does the carbon cycle flow to producers to consumers?

Producers take in carbon dioxide in its gaseous form from the air during the process of photosynthesis, and use the carbon from the CO2 to create food molecules such as sugars and starches. When these producers are eaten by heterotrophs, they also take in the carbon that is contained in the food molecules that were created by the plants. Later, while breaking down the food molecules, the consumers release CO2 and water as waste products. When these consumers die, the decomposers break down the heterotroph and return the carbon compounds back to the soil.

What process do pants release energy from stored food?

Respiration is the process of oxidation of glucose to release the energy in the form of heat.

What process do all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of?

Cellular respiration is the process by which all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of glucose.

What is the process in which glucose and oxygen react in cells to release energy?
