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Q: What is the process by which trees release co2 into the air?
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Which natural process does not release CO2 into the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis does not.A:The photosynthesis process in vegetation, plants and trees does release CO2. Not only that, it also captures it again from the atmosphere. The photosynthesis process is part of a larger natural process called the Carbon Cycle. In this cycle, oceans release and capture CO2 too.

What can be done to stop CO2 getting into the air?

the first and fore most is to stop cutting trees, as when we give out carbon dioxide {CO2} the trees take co2. but when trees will not be there , co2 will be in the air.

How do plants purify the air and what is the process named?

they take CO2 in and release O2, and the process is called photosynthesis

How does trees provide oxygen?

By the process of photosynthesis, trees take in the Carbon Dioxide (CO2), water, and sunlight, to make food, and release oxygen as a waste product

Do you get more oxygen from trees or the ocean?

From trees , they release co2 during breathing and release oxygen during photosynthesis

What shouldn't we sleep under tree in night?

During the day, in presence of sunlight, the plants use up the CO2 and release O2 as a by product.But during night they are unable to use the CO2 and this leads to increase in the proportion of CO2 in the air . During night the trees breathe in oxygen and release carbon-dioxide.If one sleeps under the trees, the amount of increased CO2 in the air around will certainly affect the health.So it is inadvisable to sleep under trees during night.

Do Plants and trees absorb Carbon Dioxide and release oxygen?

yes, during the process of photosynthesis.CO2 + H20 = 02+ H20 + simple sugars

How trees reduce carbon di oxide?

In a process called photosynthesis, the leaves of trees breathe in or absorb CO2 and break it down into carbon and oxygen. The oxygen is breathed out or expelled. That's why we say that trees help to purify or freshen the air.

What is deforestation and what role does it play in increase of greenhouse gases?

Deforestation is when a lot of trees are cut down and forests start to disappear. Wood scraps on the forest floor rot and release carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane. With fewer trees in the world they can't remove the CO2 from the atmosphere. So, with fewer trees there is more CO2 in the air and the greenhouse effect is worse.

How does a tree feed?

Trees Feed by taking water from the ground and CO2 from the air.

What does photosynthesis require so plants can reduce global warming?

Plants reduce global warming by absorbing the carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Annuals release the CO2 they absorb. Deciduous tree leaves take up billions of tons of CO2 each spring, but release that CO2 back into the air each fall as they die and rot. Trees in general pull CO2 out of the air, and hold if for hundreds of years. It takes energy to harvest those trees, saw them into lumber, and build homes out of them. But in general trees are a good way to sequester atmospheric carbon.

How do the trees create air?

The chloroplasts in ALL plants capture sunlight then it sends the... carbon dioxide(?) into the air. So trees don't make air, they make the CO2 that we need