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Q: What is the process called for the body's defenses against injury infection or allergy?
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What would cause a rash after a cut on the skin?

Infection or allergy to something applied to the skin after the cut.

Can an allergy to apricots be related to a sulfa allergy?

Most dried apricots are treated with sulfur as part of the drying process, so this may be the connection.

How is the process of allergy like that of immunity and how do they differ?

Allergy is our body's way of reacting yo anti-bodies....... whenever our body detects the presence of anti-bodies it starts a process of annihilating it from the body..... this process is called allergies.... immunity is something which is usually internal..... anti-bodies entering the internal parts of the body it starts the process of immunity...... in short, allergy is related to external metamorphic and immunity is anatomic.....

Can you change the ring in the process of curing an belly ring infection?

no its an infection dummy

What is the process of getting an allergy test done?

Allergy testing usually must be completed by a physician or trained allergist. One can contact their current healthcare provider to obtain information regarding allergy testing. Sometimes it may be required to send the patient to an alternative testing facility if the current one isn't capable of allergy testing.

Role of capsule in bacterial disease process?

It helps the bacteria to evade the host's defenses as it entering the host

What was the process of infection for the black death?

a rat bites into its host and the infection starts to spread

Why are your monocytes and eosinophils high?

Most likely there will be some type of inflammation present. Typically an allergy or infection. They release histamine and have anticoagulant heparin to help contribute to the inflammation process and promote blood flow to the affected area. (Basophils are white blood cells involved in the body's immune system)

How can the body prepare itself for a future infection of the same bacteria?

You get immunity to the infection. Next time you get the infection by the same bacteria, your body can fight back the infection rather effectively. But the immunity does not last for life time, like most of the virus infections.

What provides levers against which muscles pull in the vertebral column?

The skeletal system is the anchor and lever system that the muscles pull against to cause locomotion.spinous process and transverse processThe bones are the leavers against which the muscles pull.In reference to the axial skeleton, the spinous process and the transverse process are the leavers against which the muscles pull.Superior articular process

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What is the drawback of colony stimulating drugs?

Although colony stimulating factors help restore the body's natural defenses, the process takes time.