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From little baby toad into an adult frog.

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Q: What is the process called that involve frog life cycle?
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What does a tadpole turn into?

The life cycle of the frog begins as a fertilized egg, which then turns into a tadpole. The tadpole grows legs and eventually loses its tail, becoming an adult frog. This process is called metamorphosis, which is any process of transformation, such as that of the immature frog (tadpole) to the adult frog.

What are the stages of a frog's life cycle called?

Egg, tadpole, young, frog

Process of a tadpole developing into a frog is called?


How many stages are in the life cycle of the frog?

The frog has three distinct stages of development in its life cycle.

How does a frog form?

A frog begins as a tadpole living in water and through a process called metamorphosis it develops legs, lungs and the other necessary anatomical features to become a frog.

What is the name of a baby frog while it has gills an a tail?

A young frog that still has it's tail attached is called a froglet. It takes about 8 to 10 weeks for it to go from a tadpole to a froglet.

Is a tadpole changing into a frog evolution?

No, it is not evolution it is just the life cycle of a frog. The mother lays her eggs in the water. The babies are called tadpoles. Over time they grow lungs and legs and arms then move to land. That all happens in 1 lifecycle. Evolution is a process of change over the course of many generations.

How many stages are in frog's life cycle?

There are numerous number of life cycles in a frog's life cycle but it is best to say that the frog has 3 stages.The stage are the egg stage, the tadpole stage (young) and the adult stage (frog)!

A picture of an animal life cycle?

a cycle of a frog in real a egg at first.embryo,tadpole,front legs break through,start of pulmonary breathing,tadpole frog then a adult frog!

What does the adult frog lay eggs call?

They live "on land" although frogs still live in water, they just are not reliant on it for oxygen.

What is a large frog called?

a large frog is called a bull frog

Does a frog have a life cycle?

Yes, Yes it does!