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Addition polymerization which forms only polymer as the single product

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alkene monomerss during polymerisation break open their double bonds and join with other alkene monomers

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The process of linking monomers together is called dehydration synthesis.

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addition polymerization

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Q: What is the process in which alkene monomers join to form chains?
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How do alkene molecules form a molecule of plastic?

Alkene molecules can undergo a process called polymerization where they form long chains of repeating units by reacting with each other. In the case of plastic formation, alkene monomers are polymerized to form a larger molecule known as a polymer. This process can be controlled to create different types of plastics with varying properties.

How many monomers make up an antibody molecule?

An antibody molecule is composed of four monomers: two heavy chains and two light chains. These monomers are held together by disulfide bonds to form the Y-shaped structure of an antibody.

What are the monomers that form the heavy and light chains in antibodies?

it is amino acids.

How are monomers joined?

dehydration synthesis

In polymerization complex molecules are formed by joining together of what?

In polymerization, complex molecules are formed by the joining together of smaller molecules called monomers. Monomers combine through chemical reactions to form long chains known as polymers. This process can be initiated by heat, light, or chemical catalysts.

What is it called when monomers form polymers?

The process by which monomers form polymers is called polymerization. This involves linking monomer units together to form a larger macromolecule, known as a polymer.

What does a monomer and a ploymer make?

A monomer is a small molecule that can bond with other monomers to form a polymer through a process called polymerization. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating units of monomers, which combine to form long chains or networks.

Connects monomers to form a polymer?

A chemical reaction called polymerization connects monomers to form a polymer. This reaction involves joining monomer units together to form long chains of repeating units. Polymers can be made up of various monomers like amino acids in proteins and nucleotides in DNA.

The formation of polymers from monomers occurs as a result of what?

Polymerization, a chemical reaction where monomer molecules undergo a bonding process to form polymer chains through covalent bonds, results in the formation of polymers from monomers. This process can be initiated by various methods such as heat, light, or catalysts, leading to the chaining of monomer units to create long polymer chains with unique properties.

What are the two monomers that form Kevlar?

The two monomers that form Kevlar are 1,4-phenylenediamine and terephthaloyl chloride. These monomers undergo a condensation polymerization reaction to form the long, stiff molecular chains characteristic of Kevlar.

How is peptidoglycan a monomer?

Transglycosylase enzymes join these monomers join together to form chains.

What small organic molecules form carbohydrate chains?

Carbohydrates are a class of nutrients. All nutrients have monomers which are the organic building blocks of polymers. Under carbohydrates, there are the polymers, polysaccarides, and the monomers, monosaccharides. Monosaccharides are linked together through condensation (dehydration) reactions to form chains of disaccharides and polysaccarides.