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Q: What is the process of breaking down organic materials that makes with soil is humus?
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Is humus organic?

No food item is just "organic." Organic refer to the process the ingredients were grown, so if the garbanzo beans were grown organic then yes the humus is organic. There is no way to simply know without looking at the label of the humus you are buying.

Is there more or less humus the deeper you dig?

Less, because humus is composed of organic material that's at it's break down point, so the deeper you dig the less organic materials there is

How is humus formed?

Humus is formed when organic material (such as leaves , dead animals etc) is disgraded by a combination of fungi,bacteria,microbes and other animals((earthworms for example) that reside in the soil.

A process of controlled biodegradation of most organic matter to humus like product?


What organic material can be found in humus?

what types of organic material is fouand in humus

After a rock breaks down the materials that are left combine with organic materials to form?

Soil is produced when organic materials (humus, compost, leaf-mould, etc) is added to the fine-grained debris of rock erosion.

How does organic matter become humus?

Organic matter breaks down (decays) to form humus.

What process forms the decomposed organic material or humus that is a part of soil?

Erosion describes the process that forms the decomposed organic material that is called humus and that is part of soil. It operates by wearing down the material through weathering. The weathering reflects the predominant influences of water or of wind in nature.

What is the way in which humus and organic matter are related?

That they represent the breaking down of animal and plant remains is the way in which humus and organic matter are related.Specifically, the term humus designates the final breakdown of animal and plant remains and of soil food web cells, products and tissues. It is used in terms of the end result of proper composting and of the process in topsoil. In contrat, the term organic matter refers to the content (compounds from once-living organisms and their excretions) at any point in the decomposition stage, from beginning to end.

Is humus a mixture of humus and clay?

No, Humus is made from dead organic plants and animals.

Is there humus in loam?

HUMUS IS A DARK-COLORED,MINERAL SUBSTANCE THAT DEVELOPS AS DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS.loam is soil with a crumbly texture that is made of equal parts of clay,sand,and silt.

What process forms the decomposed organic material or humus that is part of soil?

Erosion describes the process that forms the decomposed organic material that is called humus and that is part of soil. It operates by wearing down the material through weathering. The weathering reflects the predominant influences of water or of wind in nature.