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Q: What is the process of returning mined land to its original condition?
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What element is mined using Frasch Process?


Were silver and copper mined in Arizona?

They were and still are. Copper is what is mined, but Gold, Silver and Molybdenum are also extracted during the process as by-products.

What is the process that coal production takes place?

Coal is mined from underground.

Which process formed the granite that is mined in Vermont?


Is chlorine mined?

Chlorine itslf is not mined. The materials used to produce chlorine (NaCl) is mined. Chlorine is produced by electrolytic reaction of a chloride solution (e.g. NaCl) in a process involving a diaphragm cell or a mercury cell. The mercury cell process has been largely discontinued because of its associated loss of mercury to the environment.

Which process formed the granite that is mined in many areas of the US?

The cooling and solidification of magma.

What is manufacturing process of asbestos?

Asbestos is generally manufactured by processing mined asbestos fibers.

How is thorium mined or gathered?

Thorium can be strip mined and it could be deep mined. It is be produced as a byproduct of the production of rare earth elements, and since the current production as a byproduct far exceeds the demand, it is not usually mined.

Where is gas made from?

Gas is mined as crude oil and then it goes through a process and it becomes gas.

What mining process is most common for the extraction of a diamond?

Most diamonds are mined with an open-pit mining process. You can read more, below.

How is Calcite Mined and Produced?

Calicite is mined in same way that limestone is mined which entails just collecting the deposits. However, the production s quite an involving process which starts with the separation of different grades and removal of unwanted impurities. It is then crushed and subjected to froth flotation.

What ore that is almost pure salt?

Salt is mined, so it would be pure salt. Mined salt, unlike sea salt, has to be processed and cleaned. Chemicals are used for the cleaning process and for making it white.