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Radiotherapy - the use of ionizing radiation in order to control malignant cancer cells. An alternative you may wish to mention (I am assuming this is for some form of report and not personal use) is chemotherapy, which uses chemicals to do the same thing and is widely used today.

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Q: What is the process when radioactive elements can be used to destroy unhealthy cells like cancer cells?
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When radioactive isotopes break down into other elements the process is called?

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What is the process in which elements change to other elements by emission of ionizing particles?

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What is a radioactive decay of the spent fuel?

The nuclear fission process produces a range of lighter elements as fission products, and many of these are radioactive.

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The nuclear fission process produces a range of lighter elements as fission products, and many of these are radioactive.

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Absolute dating relies on radioactive decay of elements in a rock. When an igneous rock is formed it may contain elements that are a mixture.

Why does radioactivity occur in some elements?

It occurs due to the instability of the element. It is a spontaneous process. Radioactive atoms are known as isotopes.

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The process where an element turns to another is radioactive decay, and exposure to radioactivity is dangerous.

What it means when an element is radioactive?

Radioactive elements have unstable nucleii. When an unstable nucleus decays it emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves and heavy particles and in the process forms new nucleii.

What is the process by which some substances spontaniously emit radiation?

All elements with an atomic number >83 are naturally radioactive

Is the process of abosolute dating using radioactive elements error proof?

nope! the machine reading the radioactive element number may break down and the calculated half life of the rock may be incorrect

An element that gives off nuclear radiation what?

Sounds to me like radiation from a radioactive isotope. The breaking down part would be the half-life. But the isotope won't completely break down. Only until it reaches a stable form. Such as, radium-226 decays finally to lead-206. During the process it emits charged Alpha particles.

Why are synthetic elements dangerous?

While there are some stable synthetic elements (eg technetium) and also naturally occurring elements which are radioactively unstable (eg radium), synthetic elements are more likely to be radioactively unstable. Their decay process produces radioactive emissions which are hazardous.