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+1 for Cs

+5 for As

-2 for O

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Q: What is the proper assignment of oxidation numbers to the element in the compound CsAs O3 would be?
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Yes, inert gases like neon have zero oxidation numbers. This is why they are non-reactive.

What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in a neutral compound?

In a neutral compound, the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in the compound is zero.

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The oxidation numbers for the atoms in the ionic compound KCl are K+1 and Cl-1.

What are the oxidation numbers of the elements in the following compound of Fe2O3?

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0 because all compounds have an oxidation number of 0. It's the ions (fe S O) that have oxidation numbers, The sum of these oxidation numbers always = 0 in a compound and hence a compound has a oxidation number of 0. :-) hope this helped....

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Carbon is a pblock element. It shows -4 to +4 oxidation numbers.

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As with any other element, the oxidation number of Cr depends on whether and how it is chemically bonded. The oxidation number of pure elements is arbitrarily defined to be 0. In compounds, Cr has oxidation numbers of +2, +3, and +6, depending on the compound.

Sum of all oxidation numbers in a compound?

0 they are neutral

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What is the oxidation number of ZnCl?

The compound has no charge. This means that the positive oxidation numbers must equal the negative oxidation numbers. Cl has an oxidation number of -1. Therefore, Zn must have an oxidation number of +1.