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American flags can now be recycled respectfully. I found an informative website with the facts about this subject at PatrioticGal.

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Q: What is the proper way for american flag disposal?
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What is the proper disposal of the US flag?

the correct way to dispose of a flag respectfully is by burning it.

Can you burn American flag on American soil?

There is no law against it. The proper way to dispose of a worn out flag is to burn it.

How do you hold the us flag?

The proper way to hold an American Flag is over the shoulder or in the air, but not touching the ground.

What is the correct means of disposal for a US national flag?

The correct way to dispose of a tattered US flag is burning. Respectful burnings are conducted on Flag Day by the American Legion, among others.

How do you dispose of old flags?

As the most prominent symbol of the United States, the American flag should be handled with care and respect, no matter what form it may be in. Although they are not made from traditional materials such as cotton or wool, plastic flags are still flags and should be disposed of properly. The United States Flag Code was originally passed by Congress in 1923 and dictates the proper methods for destroying an American flag, including burning and flag disposal ceremonies.

What is the proper way to fly the Flag of Nepal?

Its a same way we fly a flag ay United State.

How do you retire a worn United States flag?

The only definitive answer is found in the US Flag Code. TITLE 4 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 8(k). It states:"The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning"

What is the preferred way to destroy a warn American Flag?

no flag should be destroyed

What is the proper way to dispose of a flag?

Once a flag has become disrespected (by being torn or touching the ground for example) or is ready to be retired for whatever reason, it should be respectfully disposed of. The proper disposal is by burning or a burning ceremony. It is best to fold the flag in its customary manner as if it is being presented and place it on a fire that is intense enough to fully burn it. If so desired, people can pay respects to the flag by saluting it, saying the pledge of allegiance, or having a moment of silent reflection. Once the flag has been fully consumed and has turned to ash, the fire should be safely extinguished and the ashes should be buried.

What could the American flag never be used for?

The flag should always be treated with respect. It should never be put to any use except what it is designed to used for, namely to be displayed in the proper way, or folded and stored in the proper manner. When it is unserviceable, it should burned, not thrown in the trash or rag bag.

What is the meaning of the sideways Irish flag?

Means nothing. It is the proper way of hanging any flag from a building mounted pole.

Why was Robert peary honored for cutting the American flag?

An American flag was placed in the North Pole by Robert Peary, in 1909. Along the way he also left pieces of another flag. He is the only person to be honored for cutting the American flag.