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Q: What is the property of a cell membrane that allows particles to move through it?
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What are properties of a cell membrane that allows particules to pass through it?

Note ... the property of a cell membrane is that no particles can pass through it. At least not unaided. Cells have (make) specific proteins that are embedded within the membrane to pass materials back and forth. Due to the construction of a cell membrane (fat on both sides of a monomolecular layer of water) only molecules that are soluble in both lipids and water can get through at all.

What kind of permeablilty is it when a membrane only allows some materials to pass?

yes, they only allow water moleclues to pass through the membrane.

Why does cytoplasm need to enclosed by a semi-permeable membrane?

The cytoplasm is the body of a cell. It is surrounded by the Cell membrane. Permeable means its ability to allow particles or nutrients to pass through. It is called semi-permeable [membrane] because it only allows some particles or nutrients to pass through, not all.

Does a permeable membrane will let substances pass through it?

Yes it does permeable membranes are membranes that allows all substances to pass through.

What does seminpermeable membrane do?

semi permeable membrane is semi-permeable or not completely allows particles of a certain shap or size flow through but other shapes that are large or snaller cant fit through.

Does the cell membrane let things pass through it?

Yes the cell membrane lets things past through it. The cell wall does not allow things to pass through.

What are the similarities between cell membrane and the inside walls of a school?

Cell membrane allows entry of selected particles and not other macromolecules. Similarly, walls of a school will not allow a person who fails to give his or her identity to enter. Cell membrane, however, has water proofing property. Cell membrane also have specialized proteins in it.

What is selectively permeable?

The property of a membrane or other material that allows some substances to pass through it more easily than others.Selective permeability refers to the control that a cell membrane has in terms of what it allows to cross it. This gives the cell membrane the ability to choose which molecules enter or leave.

A membrane that allows only certain substances to pass through is a?

A permeable membrane

Why is plasma membrane flexible?

Because it is a semi permeable membrane IE. it only allows selective particles to go inside it and outside it.

What property of the cell membrane allows it to maintain cell homeostasis?

Selective Permeability

What cell structure that allows cummunication between internal and external cell environment?

The cellular membrane allows communication between the internal and external environment. Through movement, particles are able to flow throughout the body.