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yes! According to me those who believe in racism suffer from psychological disorder. Unfortunately racism in different form is present in every type of society in the world weather it is in developed country like USA, UK (black and white) or developing country like India, China( where it is of religion) and some time intrareligion like in India where Hindu society is divided in Bhramana ( priest), Chatriya (warior), and Shudra ( the lower sweeper class which is meant to be non touchable by upper two classes)

The people suffering from this disease have strong feeling of self superiority that they are more intelligent and more near to god so they are the god's favourite creature and the rest have to work under them according to there wish

People like this think that there are certain work that can be done by only them like in India the priest and warior are only permited to go to temple in ancient time and they also think that some of the work like sweaping or other dirty work should be done by lower class or lower race according to them.

This psycology comes because of nifty kind of nature which is as dangerous as any other mental problem as it is very harmfull for human race indeed..........

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1mo ago

The psychology of racism involves biases, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination based on race or ethnicity. It can be influenced by social, cultural, and historical factors, leading to negative attitudes and behaviors towards individuals or groups perceived as different. Understanding the psychological processes behind racism can help address and combat its harmful effects.

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14y ago

The best basic study that reveals the nature and reasons for racism is that of Muzafer Sherif in 1956. Sherif separated a group of 11 year old boys into two groups. Allocation to groups was random, so we would not expect any genuine difference between the members of the two groups. However, in competitions the two groups were aggressive toward each other and in tests after these competitions the boys tended to describe their own group in positive terms and the other group in negative terms. This demonstrates that when people are brought together as a group and are in some way in conflict for resources with another group (e.g. for jobs) hostile attitudes and behaviours will arise toward the other group.

Bare in mind that 'real world' racism is much more complex than this.

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Which branch of psychology is related to racism?

The branch of psychology related to racism is known as cultural psychology. It focuses on how individuals' cultural backgrounds and experiences influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, including attitudes toward race and racism. This field examines the impact of societal factors on shaping beliefs and biases related to race.

What are all the branches and fields of psychology?

There are ten branches of Psychology not two. Abnormal Psychology; Behavioral Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Community Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Educational Psychology; Evolutionary Psychology; Legal Psychology; and Personality Psychology.

What are the subfields in psychology?

Some subfields in psychology include cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology. Each subfield focuses on different aspects of human behavior and mental processes.

What are the Branches of Pure and Applied Psychology?

The main branches of psychology are clinical, counseling, educational, developmental, industrial-organizational, and social psychology. Each branch focuses on different aspects of human behavior and mental processes, with clinical psychology focusing on mental health and counseling psychology focusing on providing therapy and support. Applied psychology uses psychological principles to solve real-world problems, such as in fields like organizational behavior, sports psychology, and forensic psychology.

What are the Branches of psychology and its related fields?

Some branches of psychology include clinical psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and social psychology. Related fields include neuroscience, counseling psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and educational psychology.

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