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No much for being charged. Embarrassment and social stigma, of course, and some expense and even a minor loss of personal freedom. The punishment only begins when you are found guilty of the charge. Thisis a very tricky question!!

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Q: What is the punishment for being charged with theft in Ohio?
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I have found a resource that states that the limit for a felony begins at $500 dollars.

Statute of limitations on a DUI in Ohio?

A statute of limitations is used to protect people from being charged with a crime years after it occurred. If a DUI ticket has been issued it is evidence of being charged with a crime. There is no statute of limitations and the issuing entity can attempt to collect at any time.

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You are 15 being charged with grand theft auto a felony 4 in Ohio It is your 1st offense an you have no prior record But your co defedent with you brother who has a long record what will happen to U?

you need to talk to your attorney and have him talk to the d.a. to see if they will file charges seperately. this way you are only responsible for your actions. if it goes to trial you will have a separate trial.