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Callouses: The skin that forms into a callous has hardened up becuase of rubbing/twisting/overuse of where the callous is (use your hands a lot? thats probably why. They are annoying sometimes, but they do make your hands and feet tougher.)

Blisters: They are what happens when skin gets irritated and soft becuase of being rubbed on by, well, anything.

Hope this helps!!!

Additional info:

There is no purpose for a blister, a blister is the result of skin damage and there is always the possibility of infection.

Blisters can be very dangerous. If at all possible do notbreak a blister. Your skin acts as a natural Band-Aid, whereby preventing air from getting to the fluid. Once the wound is open and the fluid is exposed to air, bacteria can begin to grow. This can lead to serious infections, like MRSA or Staph.

If a blister break, clean the area with and antibacterial soap, rinse the area well and pat it dry, then put a small amount of antibiotic ointment on the area and a fresh Band-Aid. Change the Band-Aid at least once a day and repeat the cleaning process; watch the area closely for signs of an infection, swelling, fever to the skin, redness, streaking... At the first sign of infection, seek medical help.

Most blisters heal fine and without issue; but there are those that do not, and a serious even deadly infection can set in. I am sure this is more info than you wanted. But I want to share a story with you, please read on.

Fifteen years ago, I developed a small blister on my foot. I worked in the medical field for years and I thought I could handle it. The blister broke almost immediately, so I cleaned and dressed it. The 2nd day (which was really less than 24 hours later), it was a bit red, but I thought I could handle it and it would be fine; so I cleaned the area again, and put a fresh Band-Aid on the skin. The 3rd day, I had a red streak going up the inside of my left leg; it was almost to my knee.

I went to the ER at about noon, by 7 p.m. I was in ICU. The streak was almost to my navel. The staph infection was to my heart by midnight of the 3rd day, not even 72 hours after developing the blister. I spent the next 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital fighting for my life, all because of a blister that was smaller than the eraser of a pencil. I survived but my heart was damaged, which has made life difficult since. I am lucky in that I have not had to have a transplant, but I cannot do much because my heart is too weakened to allow living a normal life.

I did all the right things as far as cleaning and dressing the blister, and I was even right in watching it; but my mistake was that on the 2nd day, when I saw that it was red, I did not go the ER. If I had gone to the ER that morning and got an antibiotic prescription; it would have prevented all of what followed. I know that staph lives on the human skin; I know how fast is grows if it gets into the blood; and I know how deadly it can be; but despite knowing all of this I failed to take heed. (The funny thing is that if I had seen this with anyone else, I would have insisted they go to the ER.) But I made a nearly fatal error in assuming that I could handle it and for that I have paid a high price.

It is my hope that sharing my stupid mistake with you will save a life or prevents someone else from suffering.

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