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it is important to stretch out your muscles so you don't pull a muscle

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13y ago

Stretching exercises improve flexibility, which helps prevent injury during other forms of exercises and may decrease chronic pain.

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Q: Why it is important to stretch before participating in physical activity?
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What are the effects of mental health caused by physical activity?

Physical activity plays a huge role in keeping good mental health. There are the obvious effects and benefits of physical activity, such as getting in shape and therefore improving your overall body image. By keeping in shape, one naturally is going to receive a moral boost as well as an increase in self image because they are less worried about their weight and appearance and take pride in it. As well, physical activity provides a physical as well as emotional boost. By being active, the muscles are allowed to stretch and flex. Lack of physical activity will lead to stiffness, as well as muscle atrophy and tightness. On a hormonal level, physical activity releases the hormones known as endorphins. Endorphins provide one with the "runners high" or the emotional uplifting one gets after finishing a workout, which will usually last for hours after the activity. Physical activity, along with a good diet, can prevent numerous lifestyle disease such as diabetes 2, as well as help treat/reduce the severity of others, such as asthma. It cannot be stressed how important physical activity is to the human body, and when done correctly only has positive effects.

Warming up before an activity is imporatnt to reduce your chance of?

warming up (including stretching) before an intense activity reduces the chance of pulling or even tearing muscles. This does not usually prevent from being sore afterwards or the next day though. you should stretch and warm up before the activity and stretch alot after the activity, and especially stretch what feels the most sore to you.

Is it more important to stretch before or after exercise?

It is important to stretch before and after you exercise because if you dont you will get sore after.

Does playing sports make for a healthy body?

Of course, with a few caveats:Don't overdo it; always stretch and warm up first; and check with a doctor before starting any new form of physical activity or exercise.

Why is it important to stretch before hip hop dance?

It is important to stretch before hip-hop because if you don't stretch, you have a better chance of getting injured. It is also important to stretch because if your body is not warmed up before you start to move, it is harder to learn choreography.

How do you you stretch out a muscle that once once pulled?

physical therapy

What is another word for Physical feature of a stretch of ground?

a another word for physical art is land farm

What can be done to reduce sports injuries?

To reduce the risk of sport related injuries, the best thing to do is stretch, before and after physical activity. If you are sore ice 20 minutes on then twenty minutes off. Repeat about 2 to 3 times.

How do you redo your achieve 3000 activity?

Go to your article and there should be a thing called stretch activity. It is basically like a second try.

What is a intermision?

An intermission is usually a break between some type of entertainment such as a sporting event or concert. This gives the people participating a break, and the audience can stretch their legs.

Physical property that describes how much a substance will stretch or bend is?

softness of course

Porque es importante no estirarse durante el entrenamiento?

Translation: "Because it is important not to stretch during training". This is opposite to most recommendations, which stress the importance of streching during physical training.