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Q: What is the purpose of the vascular cylinder?
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What is the purpose of the vascular system in plant?

Transporting water

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What is a vascular cylinder?

A vascular cylinder is in the center of as root, the cylinder is made up of both xylem and phloem tissue. The vascular cylinder is surrounded by ground tissue which is surrounded by dermal tissue. A plant will actually absorb a majority of it's water in the dermal tissue just above the root tips. The cells there have tiny projections called root hairs. The three types of plant tissue systems, vascular, ground, and dermal. The vascular tissue system is surrounded by the ground tissue system which is surrounded by the dermal tissue system.

What is the purpose of cylinder head?

the purpose of the cylinder head is that to hold the pistons and combution camber

What is the vascular bundle in the shape of a single central cylinder in a root called?

The stele.

What part of the root make up the vascular cyinder?

The vascular cylinder, also called the stele, is the central core of the root of a vascular plant. It consists of a xylem and a phloem, and associated supporting tissue.

What is the purpose of the vascular in a plant?

Transporting water and sugars (from photosynthesis)

What is one purpose of a cylinder seal?

The purpose of a cylinder seal is to write signatures in early times.

What is the purpose of the vascular system of a plant?

Transporting water and sugars (from photosynthesis)

What is the purpose of vascular surgery?

Vascular surgeons specialize in treating the blood vessels of the body. Their surgery revolves around restoring blood flow to an area that was lost as a result of trauma, disease, or other causes.

What purpose does vascular tissue serve in trees?

Movement of water and solutes such as sugar.

What is the purpose of valve ports?

The purpose of Valve Ports is to let exhaust gases out of the cylinder and to let air and fuel mixture into the cylinder!