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Q: What is the purpose of washing red blood cells?
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What is a red blood cells purpose in life?

Red blood cells carry oxygen through your body.

Can red blood cells be a defense mechanism for infectious disease?

Nope... the sole purpose of red blood cells - is to transport oxygen and waste products to and from cells.

What is the purpose of white and red blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, while white blood cells are part of the immune system and attack foreign organisms that enter the body, like bacteria.

Do red blood cells have centriole in?

My guess is no. Because a red blood cells do not have a nucleus in it and does not reproduce, centriole would have no purpose in it, because it does not need to be part of making spindles.

What are red blood cells and what task do they perform?

Red blood cells are large, round cells in the bloodstream. They are red because they contain hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is used to transport oxygen through the bloodstream, from the lungs to the cells of the rest of the body. Then the hemoglobin in the red blood cells absorbs carbon dioxide to transport to the lungs for exhalation. So the purpose of red blood cells is to supply oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide in the body.

Why do you have red blood cells?

The purpose of red blood cells is to transport oxygen from your lungs to the other parts of your body, and to take the carbon dioxide created by your body into your lungs, so that they can be expelled.

What are the the cells that carry oxygen?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. These cells are also known as erythrocytes.

What blood cells contain haemoglobin?

Red blood cells because that is what carries oxygen throughout the body

What cell transports oxygen?

red blood cells

What is the major difference between red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, but white blood cells do not

Does every part of the body have red blood cells?

As the name says, red blood cells are found in the blood. If there is blood there, there is red blood cells.

What is the purpose of red blood cells?

They deliver oxygen to the body tissues via the blood.