

What is the quadracept?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is the quadracept?
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"Approximately 20 times stronger than a sturdy man. A full grown male Silverback gorilla is one of the strongest land mammals on Earth, able to rip car doors clean off and snap tree limbs with ease. Even a small, female Gorilla is able to easily rip the arms clean off a man." I find it funny how people doubt the sheer might of the gorilla and other Apes Here is a great way to put it adv human can lift as a 1 rep max 150 kg per leg [full grown male] x2 [booth legs] 300 kg gorilla's use their arms to run [quadracept] an olympian can lift 500lbs per leg .. see were im going with this? If i were to replace my legs and arms [length and strength] i would be a gorilla in a very crude way and as gorilla's rib cage , bone structure allows for a much higher muscle concentration they are more likely to be alott stronger. The world record of a human leg press is over 2,500 lbs. The average male adult can easily do multiple reps of over 1,000 lbs, no problem. When comparing the physical strength of humans and other primates it is important to recall the whole and compare overall, rather than specifying on one particular aspect that favors one side. The reason why when asked this question, people tend to compare upper body strength of gorillas to our own, is at least threefold. Firstly, for thousands of years strength was defined primarily by upper body strength because this was the main differentiating factor between men and women. Big and strong meant arm strength replete with bulging. sweaty. pulsating biceps. The far more common and far superior leg strength is simply taken for granted. Secondly, it showcases the truly awesome power gorillas so amazingly display. To show the realistic outcome where even adolescent children could outperform a gorilla in lower body strength is just not that captivating. Who would want to watch something we know all of us could do? Not exactly record setting ratings material Lastly, people, western society in particular. tends toward anthropomorphism. Ours is a society where films depicting the slaughter and torture of people is not only acceptable, but considered standard while any depiction of cruelty towards animals is met with utter horror and disdain We simply like animals and gorillas are no exception. Naturally we place the animal in a position where we can cheer them on. I suppose in overall strength when comparing our greatest asset, lower body to that of a gorillas wheelhouse upper body, parody more or less ensues. You could call it a draw. How about a spelling bee?