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Q: What is the ratio of the light gathering power of a m telescope with mm objective than by a telescope with a mm objective?
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Why does the light gathering power of a telescope vary?

The light gathering power of a telescope is directly proportional to the area of the objective lens of the telescope.

The light gathering power of a telescope increases as the objective increases?

Yes, light gathering power is proportional to the area of the objective. The more light a telescope can gather, the better the telescope will be able to allow the user to see.

If the radius of an objective mirror of a telescope is tripled its light-gathering power is likely to become?

9 times greater.

If the radius of an objective mirror of a telescope is tripled how will its light gathering power be affected?

It will become 9 times as great.

Are light-gathering power and resolving power determined by the primary mirror of a telescope?

Yes, both have to do with the diameter of the objective mirror/lens

What is the formula for light gathering power for telescopes?

For visual observation: Magnification = (Focal Length of Objective Lens) divided by (Focal Length of Eyepiece) (They have to be measured in the same units.) For prime-focus photography: (One focal-length of the Objective Lens on the film) = (one radian in the sky)

What makes a telescope powerful?

The light-gathering power of a telescope is determined by its aperture, which refers to the width of a telescopes primary mirror or objective lens.

A telescope that suffers from chromatic aberration and has a low light gathering power is most likely?

a. a small diameter reflecting telescope.

How can you determine the light gathering power ratio between a 1 meter telescope and a 10 meter telescope?

The light gathering power is directly proportional to the light gathering area, so all you have to do is figure out the ratio of the areas of the two scopes. Another answer: Do you remember fourth grade arithmetic? Do you remember pi r square?

What is the ratio of the light gathering power of a 1.39 m telescope to that of a 0.79 m telescope?

(1.39/0.79)2 = about 3.1 (rounded)

What does the light gathering ability of a telescope depend on?

A refracting telescope is a type of optical telescope. It was used in astronomical telescopes and spy glasses. Objective lens are used to produce the image.

How much more light can a telescope with an objective that is 36 inches in diameter gather when compared to a telescope that is 26 inches in diameter?

About 1.92 times as much. (rounded) The so-called "light gathering power" varies in proportion to the area of the objective lens or mirror, which in turn varies as the square of its diameter. (36 inches/26 inches)2 = 1.9172 = about 2.83 dB