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Q: What is the real situation of polar bears in the arctic?
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What is polar bears nickname?

The polar bear has lots of nicknames, "Lord of the Arctic," "King of the North," and many others, for it has few if any real natural enemies.

What does the future hold for polar bears?

Polar bears have become the icon of climate change, stirring people's emotions and bringing awareness to the issue in an unprecedented manner. And yet, both in the scientific research community and the media there is disagreement and discrepancies over what the real impacts of climate change on polar bears are. As of yet, there are no studies that span the entire Arctic region and all polar bear populations. Also, there are no models that fully look at the relationship between polar bear dynamics and climate.

What kind of animals live in the polar climate zone?

== == Animals That Live in the Polar Climate Regions The polar bear, penguins, snowy owls, and snow rabbits are some animals that live in the polar climate zone.Animals that live in the polar climates of the Arctic include polar bears, seals (i.e., ringed seals), walruses, narwhals, caribou, muskox, arctic wolves, arctic foxes, arctic hares, snowy owls, lemmings, right whales, beluga whales, etc.Animals that live in the polar climate of Antarctica include penguins, seals, and various marine life living beneath the thick cover of ocean ice like plankton, octopi, starfish, whale shark, various species of whales and various species of fish.polar bears , penguinshere is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)CARIBOUTHE MUSK OXENWOLVESTHE WOLVERINETHE ARCTIC FOXTHE ERMINELEMMINGSTHE ARCTIC HAREARCTIC GROUND SQUIRRELSSNOWY OWLPOLAR BEARSBOWHEADSNARWHALSHARP SEALSTHE WALRUS~Agashe ' )here is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)CARIBOUTHE MUSK OXENWOLVESTHE WOLVERINETHE ARCTIC FOXTHE ERMINELEMMINGSTHE ARCTIC HAREARCTIC GROUND SQUIRRELSSNOWY OWLPOLAR BEARSBOWHEADSNARWHALSHARP SEALSTHE WALRUS~Agashe ' )here is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)CARIBOUTHE MUSK OXENWOLVESTHE WOLVERINETHE ARCTIC FOXTHE ERMINELEMMINGSTHE ARCTIC HAREARCTIC GROUND SQUIRRELSSNOWY OWLPOLAR BEARSBOWHEADSNARWHALSHARP SEALSTHE WALRUS~Agashe ' )

Why do polar bears die?

Sorry, time for a real life check. Polar bears are alive and well. They sometimes die from accident , disease, old age or hunger. There are ABOUT 26,000 polar bears, and their numbers have been growing slightly in recent years.

What are predators of a baby snow fox?

Polar bears, wolf packs, red foxes and humans are only real predators of the adult Arctic fox, along with large birds of prey such as snowy owls, that primarily prey on the smaller and more vulnerable Arctic fox cubs.

Is there any truth to the 2007 nat geo film arctic tale and are sella the walrus and nanu the polar bear real?

No. There is no any truth to the 2007 nat geo film arctic tale and Sella the walrus and Nanu the polar bear are not real.

Do Arctic seals have predators?

An arctic wolf doesn't necessarily have predators. They use that for hunting reasons. Their only real enemy/predator is either the human or the bear. The bears are as we all know, much bigger than a wolf, and although bears don't eat wolves, they can kill them in a fight. But if it is avoiding enemies (such as the human or bear) they use their white coat to hide in the snow.

What animals heard in the Arctic?

I only know some. Polar bear, penguin, Arctic fox, and seals. There is more though! Good start if heard was spelled herd and we loosely defined a herd as a social grouping. See then we include musk ox and lemmings. Lemmings are a stretch, but definitely the musk ox. Oh yes and artic should be Arctic. When I first read this quickly, I saw, "What animals hear in the attic? Oh Rats! Now in England they sell a biscuit called "Penguin" Polar bears don't eat penguins: Why? the wrappers stick in their teeth! Real reason is, penguins don't live in the Arctic, only the Antarctic; and polar bears vice versa. So they live "poles apart"

How many penguins can a polar bear eat in a day?

They live on opposite ends of the world, so there is no real answer. Polar bears don't eat penguins.

Why is Canada not a real country?

It is not a real country. Everything north of the political U.S. border is barren, snowy wasteland full of polar bears.

Is there gold in the polar regions?

Definitely not in the arctic, but it is not impossible that there is some in the antarctic region. Actually there still is a lot of gold mining going on in Alaska, but that isn't really into the real polar region since most of Alaska is south of the Arctic Circle.

Who would win in a fight between a polar bear and a brown bear?

Hard to say in a real fight, both are large powerful bears, but in interactions between the two species, brown/grizzlies seem to dominate the polar bears.