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Q: What is the reason that parasite fungi can kill their host and continue to thrive?
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Which is not biological hazard Bone fungi bacteria or parasite?


What is A fungi that does not fit into most standard groups of fungi?

A parasite

Where would fungi NOT likely thrive?

one place fungi would not likely thrive would be in the desert because fungi only lives in wet places

What kind of parasite is ringworm?

RINGWORM is in fact not a parasite, but a fungi. The scientific term for Ringworm is "Tinea" which means "growing worm". (thus here is the origin of the worm part of ringworm, ring is obviously the shape in which the fungi grows, in a circle) It is a common mistake to think that ringworm is a parasite. but it is in fact a fungi.

Plants and fungi that thrive on dead tissues of plants and animals?

The Eumycota are fungi that thrive on the dead tissues of plants and animals. They get their nutrients from decomposed matter and store them as energy.

Why are all fungi parasites?

It grows and lives on a host. Since the host provides the nutrients for life and the fungus grows off of that, it makes it a parasite. more info

The difference between fungi and parasite?

Some fungi are parasites and some parasites are fungi, but many fungi are not parasites and many parasites are not fungi.

What fungi lives in mangroves?

Fungi thrive in swamps like in Phallic Fungi of the Great Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey.

Is a extremophile bacteria or fungi?

It can be either. An extremophile is an organism that is able to grow, and thrive, in extreme environments.

What are 4 types pathogens responsible for infectious disease?

bacteria virus fungi and parasite

Do fungi only thrive on rotting wood?

No, there are many species of fungi all over the planet. They live in conditions that are very different. From rotting wood, to inside the human body!

Can the term parasite ever be applied to fungi?

no because fungi are decomposers meaning they only eat dead organisms and parasites are organisms that benefit as another organism is harmed There are a good number of parasitic fungi in basidiomycitese like rusts and smuts.