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Q: What is the record retention for payroll timesheets?
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Why is an individual payroll record kept for each employee?

Every business must retain certain records on their current and past employees but the time is respective to the department you are looking at. A great article can be found here:

What is a payroll record?

This is a printed detailed record of the amounts of money paid to auxiliaries. Payroll record also included the record of the hours worked for the employees.

Employers usually prepare which types of payroll records?

payroll register, employee earnings record, and payroll check

Are employees allowed to have a copy of their timesheets?

In CA an Employee is entitled to any document kept in their payroll records or their personal file, and the employer is supposed to give them a copy of eveything and if a employee is supposed to sign anything theri immediate suervisor must sign as well and give the employee a copy on the spot. If you are missing a record just ask for it.

What is the retention of medical record in Missouri?

Ten years

What is a payroll in a way a kid could understand?

A payroll is a record of money a company pays to its employees. This record would include salaries, bonuses, and taxes deducted.

What two basic records are generated in most payroll accounting systems?

payroll register and earnings record

What does a payroll consist of?

In a company "Payroll" is a sum of all financial record. it consist of salaries, wages, bonuses & deductions.

What should an employer record payroll deductions as?

Current liabilities.

What would a journal entry to record the payroll include?

debit payroll expensescredit cash / bank

What is the general journal entry to record 401k?

To record payroll for month end: D R Payroll Expenses CR Cash CR 401 Payable To pay 401k plan DR 410k Payable CR cash

Why do you need to record?

all i need to do is sign in to to view and print my payroll records