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Q: What is the relationship between hierarchy and stress levels?
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Where is the stress in hierarchy?

Stress in way up there in hierarchy as far as marriage,work and education is concerned.

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Yerkes-Dodson law

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Which topic is narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay?

The impact of social media on mental health or the relationship between exercise and stress levels could be narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay.

Can school popularity effect a girls stress levels?

yeah it can affect anyones stress levels.

Is levels of family stress a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is non manipulative and is affected by the manipulations of the independent variable. In the case given, the different levels of family stress like high and low can be siad as different levels of a dependent varible i.e. stress. So, family stress can be a dependent variable but not the levels of stress

Describe syngenta main features of a hierarchical organisational structure?

The reporting system from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom is known as the chain of command. A hierarchical structure enables tight control. It offers clear opportunities for promotion and may reduce stress levels in both managers and employees. Everybody knows their place in the hierarchy.

Would a massage chair help me to reduce my stress levels and aid relaxation?

Massage is a way of relaxing and lowering stress levels. Studies have proven that people tend to have lowered stress levels after being massaged. A massage chair would indeed aid you in the reduction of stress levels.

Does age increase stress levels?

Sometimes it might be the case. Sometimes it is not that case also. It sometimes increases the stress levels sometimes makes that person stress free.

How do you get stress free from any satuations?

In order to become stress free, you will need to be able to calm down and relax when stress levels rise. Good coping skills can be very beneficial in dealing with rising levels of stress.

Can stress levels increase OCD severity?

Yes. Stress levels can compound OCD. So can things like alcohol, pms, and caffeine.

Why should you control stress levels?

if you dont controll your stress levels then you can make youself ill and upset and even damage your brain i think.