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Mono enlarges your spleen

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Q: What is the relationship of your spleen to mono?
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Is there treatment for mono after you have had mono?

No. There is no treatment/cure for mono. The body has to fight it on its own; mono is rarely fatal, so there isn't much to worry about. But your spleen can rupture if you exercise (mono enlarges the spleen), so strict bed-rest is highly recommended.

Does mono kill?

It can if your swollen spleen ruptures. It is rarely deadly, though.

When can you go outside if you have mono?

There is nothing that says that you cant go outside when you have mono, that is just a myth. When you have mono, all you need to do is get plenty of rest, and be careful not to rupture your spleen.

Is mono fatal?

Depending on what the context is in which you ask, mono fatal means one death. Mono meaning single or one as opposed to poly meaning many. Mono (the virus, not 'one') can be fatal. Symptoms of mono include swelling of the spleen. If it gets serious, in very rare occasions, the spleen might burst. That will pour blood into the abdomen and cause severe internal bleeding. If not treated, it will lead to death. If you experience any symptoms of mono, contact your doctor immediately

Weight of a spleen?

The average weight of an adult spleen is 0.44 lbs. During and after digestion, the size of the spleen increases. Infection of malaria or mono can also cause the spleen to increase in size. If the increase in size is significant, the spleen can rupture. If the spleen ruptures, immediate medicalcare is necessary. You may need emergency surgery to control the bleeding.

How long after recovered from mono with symptoms of jaundice and enlarged spleen can you drink alcohol?

minimum 3 months

What can a person do to keep mono under control?

Restrict activity; as too much activity will rupture the spleen.

Can someone who has no spleen get mono?

Yes they can. My son is 16 yrs old his spleen was removed 3yrs ago from an accident. He developed a HUGE lump on his neck. We seen 3 different Drs in 3 weeks.

Can you get a ruptured spleen from throwing up if you had mono recently?

That would take some pretty violent throwing up, one symptom of mono is an enlarged spleen and at that time the spleen could rupture or tear just from the swelling caused by infection. Normally a ruptured spleen is caused by blunt force trauma, the type you would be susceptible to from a blow, contact sports or a car accident. Pain in the upper left abdomen after injury, with local tenderness to touch and mental confusion should be treated as an emergency.

Can mono kill you?

Mono is a STD and can be spread by sharing bodily fluids. If someone close to you has mono and they cough in your face or if you share drinks then you can also get it. Mono persay cannot kill you but the things it does to your body can. If your spleen is enlarged and ruptures then you could lose to much blood, and that could be fatal unless you receive immediate surgery

What is the relationship between a spleen and an infection?

The spleen is responsible for producing white blood cells. These cells are extremely important in their role fighting infections in the body.

If a person is running a high fever has a enlarged spleen swollen lymph nodes and severe abdominal pain what does this men?

Fever, enlarged spleen, and swollen lymph nodes are indicative of mononucleosis. Abdominal pain along with a swollen spleen suggests that the pain is due to the swollen spleen. A person with a swollen spleen should avoid lifting heavy things and all contact sports as it could rupture the spleen. While there is no medication that can be given to cure mono, there are things that can aleviate symptoms. High fever that is present for more than 48 hours should be evaluated by a doctor.