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In "Bridge to Terabithia," Janice Avery and Jesse Aarons are classmates. They do not have a close relationship in the story; Janice bullies Jesse by stealing his money, but they do not interact much beyond that.

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Q: What is the relationship with janice and Jesse in Bridge to Terabithia?
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In "Bridge to Terabithia," the spirits of the grove are mystical beings created by Leslie and Jesse to guard and protect Terabithia. They are depicted as wise and ethereal creatures that embody the magic and beauty of the imaginary kingdom.

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Three rising actions in "Bridge to Terabithia" are Jess and Leslie's friendship deepening as they create and explore Terabithia together, Janice Avery's bullying behavior towards Leslie, and the challenges Jess faces in trying to improve his running speed to win the race.

What was Jesse from Bridge to Terabithia called since first grade?

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