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Q: What is the repetition of identical or similar sounds in stressed syllables of words?
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what is a rhyme ?

Two or more words or syllables having a similar or identical sound.Example: hat and bat, deeper and sleeper

What is an example of a slant?

Slant rhyme or half rhyme is a type of rhyme formed by words with similar but not identical sounds, where either the vowels or the consonants of stressed syllables are identical. frog, lug Park, harsh Perch, latch

Which term describes two or more words or syllables that have similar or identical sounds?


What does assonace mean?

repetition of similar consonant sounds at the ends of accented syllables, as in blue spurt of a lighted match.

What are some things that have to do with consonance?

(1) The repetition, at close intervals, of the final consonants of accented syllables or important words, especially at the ends of words, as in blank and think or strong and string. (2) The repetition of identical or similar consonants in neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different (e.g. coming home, hot foot). The term is most commonly used, though, for a special case of such repetition in which the words are identical except for the stressed vowel sound (group / grope, middle / muddle, wonder / wander); this device, combining alliteration and terminal consonance, is sometimes known more precisely as 'rich consonance,' and is frequently used in modern poetry at the ends of verse lines as an alternative to full rhyme (aka. half‐rhyme). Consonance may be regarded as the counterpart to the vowel‐sound repetition known as assonance. The adjective consonantal is sometimes ambiguous in that it also means, more generally, 'pertaining to consonants.' (3) A pleasing combination of sounds; sounds in agreement with tone. Also, the close repetition of the same end consonants of stressed syllables with differing vowel sounds.

What includes rhyme and meter?

Poetry typically includes rhyme and meter. Rhyme involves words that have similar sounds at the end of their lines, while meter refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. Together, rhyme and meter help create a rhythmic flow and enhance the musical quality of poetry.

What is to be similar in sound especially at the last syllables?

Rhyme or assonance is often used to create similar sounds, especially at the last syllables, in poetry or lyrics. Rhyme occurs when the ending sounds of words match exactly, while assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within words. Both techniques can enhance the musicality and create a sense of cohesion in a piece of writing.

Type of repetition written in a similar style or manner?

Parallelism is the word that describes a type of repetition written in a similar style or manner. The word parallelism is a noun.

Can repetition be a motif?

No, repetition is a literary device very similar to a motif, which is a recurring important idea or image.

Why identical twins are similar?

If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!

How many syllables does similar have?

There are 3 syllables. Sim-i-lar.

What is one way in which identical and fraternal similar?

Identical and fraternal twins typically share many similar characteristics