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43 degrees. When the grass and weeds begin to grow.

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Q: What is the right soil temperature for growing potatoes?
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Is the red soil in PEI good for growing?

It is good for growing certain kinds of crops like potatoes.

What person encouraged the US to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes to enrich soil?

George Washington Carver suggested growing peanuts and sweet potatoes in fallow cotton fields to replenish the soil of nutrients lost when growing cotton.

What are the uses of sandy soil?

water purification.Plant POTATOES in it! They love it.

What do you grow potatoes in?

The obvious answer would be soil, but I think you are looking for more than that. Potatoes grow best in rich, light soil, and in home gardening, soil is pulled up around the growing plants to shield the new potatoes from sunlight (they turn green if exposed to sunlight). Each group of potatoes is called a hill- after the "hilling" of soil. Potatoes CAN be grown in containers, such as large buckets- and are harvested by dumping the bucket of soil.

Where would you find the soil called silty soil?

Silty soil is mainly found in Idaho It is well drained with a grayish color and is good for growing potatoes

How does the type of soil particles affect the type of plant growing in it?

For example, hard-packed soil will prevent potatoes from growing large, due to compression. Sandy soil will not allow a root system to support tomatoes or corn.

Why was tobacco growing successful in the Chesapeake bay area?

That area had the right soil and the right weather.

Is it healthy to eat potato skin?

Yes. The skins of potatoes hold many of the nutrients the potato absorbed from the soil while growing in the ground.

What is the type of soil required for growing potatoes?

You dig a trench about 4-5 inches deep, then cut up the potatoes so there is about 2 eyes on each piece. Then you place them in the trench 1 ft apart with the eyes up. Lastly, cover them up. I hope this helps you.

Why is Florida known for growing oranges?

Average daily year-round temperature and the type of soil.

Do raw potatoes have salmonella in them?

Raw potatoes can be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella and other disease-causing organisms are found in soil and potatoes are grown in soil.

What are the factors controlling crop production?

Moisture, soil fertility, growing days, soil type, and air/ground temperature.