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Q: What is the role of hot water bath in DNA extraction?
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Role of phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol in plasmid DNA extraction?

The actual role of phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol in a plasmid DNA extraction is to purify the DNA. The alcohol will act in part as a detergent.

What is th role of dnazol in dna extraction?

lyses cells

Role of saline tris edta in DNA extraction?

Its purpose is to isolate DNA from a protein mixture.

What is the role of urea in DNA extraction?

Urea is a chaotropic agent, and its role is obviously denature proteins and DNA, and promote more stability to the system, breaking the hydrogen ligations between DNA and water and making the intramolecular ones more stronger.

Role of tris in extraction of DNA?

To give the solution buffering capacity.

What is the role of beta-mercaptoethanol in DNA extraction?

stabilization of phenol against oxidation

Role of te in dna extraction?

TE stands for Tris and EDTA. The Tris buffers the water to prevent acid hydrolysis of the DNA/RNA. The EDTA chelates divalent cations that can assist in the degradation of RNA.

What is the function of ammonium acetate in DNA extraction?

ammonium acetae use to percipitate DNA from water.

What is the role of heat in DNA extraction?

Heat anneals DNA strand i.e. separate two strands of DNA to build anti-codon to desired DNA strand

What is the role of sodium acetate in DNA extraction?

sodiom acetat reaction with membrane protein and cause that persipitate and help to dna isolation