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Rubisco, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, is a protein molecule present in plant cells. It takes part in photosynthesis and converts inorganic CO2 into organic forms containing C-C bonds and H atoms. These are used to sustain plants in the form of sucrose (table sugar) or stored as starch

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Q: What is the role of rubisco in photosynthesis?
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The dark stage of photosynthesis takes place in stroma. The 1 molecule of glucose is converted into glucose by an enzyme called RUBP or RUBISCO.(RUBP=ribulose biphosphate enzyme , RUBISCO=ribulose biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase)

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RuBP There mmight be more but rubp is the enzyme used in the Calvin cycle

What would happen in a chloroplast containing an unusual form of rubisco that did not bind oxygen?

Photosynthesis would occur but photorespiration would not.

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In plants and algae, the enzyme RUBISCO helps with photosynthesis.

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Rubisco is an important enzyme

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What does rubisco do?

adds CO2 to RuBP in the carbon fixation stage in photoresp.

Why is rubisco the most important enzyme on earth?

Because, if no Rubisco is avalible to fix CO2, the Calvin Cycle would not be in action, photosynthesis would be incomplete, the ususal products: Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates (O2) and vitamins/minerals would not be made. After all the food stores ran out, all Hetrotrophs and Autotrophs would have no food to survive. So Basically, Rubisco is the bain of life.

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The role of photosynthesis in a food chain is called a producer.

In a plant what substances is in the sugar?

I n a plant the substances in sugar are cellulose,sugars which is glucose.

Is a rubisco an enzyme?

yes it is