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Q: What is the role of the thorax in the respiratory system?
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Where is the respiratory system loacted?

Mostly in thorax, some part in neck and head .

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The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body.

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it is basically serving as the gill in the respiratory system

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Are the organs of the upper respiratory tract located outside the thorax?

yes. In the head and neck.

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hai :) it is in your book dont be lazyass.

Lungs are contained in the?

Pleural cavity wich is two laminas of a membrane. The Pleural cavity lies inside the thorax.

What a heart?

It is an important organ that plays a crucial role in the circulatiory and respiratory system

What is the primary role of the respiratory system in living things?

to make carbon dioxide

What is the role of the respiratory system .?

To supply blood and oxygen to all the parts of the body .