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Q: What is the role of the vestibular nerve?
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Acoustic neuroma most commonly arise from which part of vestibular nerve superior or inferior?

Inf vestibular nerve

Where is the vestibulocochlear nerve situated?

extends from the inner ear to the brain and is made up of a vestibular branch, often called the vestibular nerve, and a cochlear branch, called the cochlear nerve. The vestibular and cochlear nerves lie next to one another

Sites of the maculae?

otoliths and vestibular nerve

What nerves combine to form the auditory nerve?

Vestibular nerve and cochlear nerve combines to form the vestibulocochlear nerve or the auditory nerve.

Which cranial nerve is not involved in taste or smell?

The vestibular (VIII)

What is a vestibular neurectomy?

A vestibular neurectomy is a procedure where this nerve is cut so the distorted impulses causing dizziness no longer reach the brain.

Function of the vestibular nerve?

The reproductive organ of the female that secretes fluid for vaginal lubrication during coitus is the vestibular gland. There are four small glands that make up the vestibular gland. There are two small glands on each side of the vaginal orifice. The vaginal orifice is a median slit below and behind the opening of the urethra; its size varies inversely with that of the hymen. One pair of the small structures constitutes the greater vestibular glands; the other pair constitutes the lesser vestibular glands. The vestibular glands secrete a lubricating substance.

What causes vestibular neuritis?

The researchers are investigating the possibility that a viral disease or disorder of the immune system is responsible for the demyelination of the vestibular nerve cells.

What does selective vestibular neurectomy involve?

In this procedure, the surgeon cuts the vestibular nerve, which relays balance, position and movement signals from the inner ear to the brain

What cranial nerve carries hearing impulses to the brain?

the "vestibulocochlear" nerve is used for hearing. the hair cells of the cochlea and vestibular are how the nerve receives the information. The nerve is (VIII) out of the 12 cranial nerves.

What parts of the ear anatomy belong to the inner ear?

Auditory canal, tensor tympani muscle, cochlea, cochlear nerve, vestibular nerve.

What system controls the sense of balance and connects the inner ear to the brain by a nerve?

vestibular system