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All parts of the uncooked egg can be whisked to incorporate air. This whipped egg can then be carefully folded into another mixture, preserving the incorporated air. When baked, this added air will expand due to heat, resulting in a leavening action.

For example, the classic Genoise sponge uses whole eggs whisked with sugar over a bain marie (or bowl of boiling water), until a ribbon stage, as the only form of leavening in the recipe.

A souffle relies upon egg whites being whisked to stiff peaks, then folded into the mixture to create lightness.

Some cake recipes just rely upon the egg yolks being whisked with sugar until a ribbon stage, then dry ingredients are folded in.

When it works, eggs are a reliable leavener. However, judging when eggs have been whisked enough requires some practice. Multiple batches may come out differently due to how much the egg was whisked (it's difficult to judge the same degree twice). Also, any impurities in the bowl will prevent the eggs from achieving full volume.

Folding dry ingredients into the whisked eggs also requires practice - it's a fine line between folding so that all the ingredients are just combined, but without losing all the air which has been whisked into the eggs. Streaks of uncombined egg can be quite noticeable in a baked sponge.

For novice bakers, choosing a recipe which relies solely on eggs for leavening may be unwise. A recipe which uses eggs along with a tiny amount of chemical leavening (such as a chiffon cake) is usually easier to get right first time.

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