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XXX Olympiad was the roman numeral for the 2012 Summer Olympics as it was the 30th Summer Olympic games (XXX=30)

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Q: What is the roman numeral symbol used to represent the summer2012 Olympics?
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What is the roman numeral symbol for used to represent the 2012 Olympics?

30th = XXX Olympiad

What is the symbol for 500 in the roman numeral?

The Roman Numeral symbol for 500 is the letter D. You would represent the number 510 as DX.

What symbol is to represent the change in value?

The symbol that represents change is delta. (It looks like a little triangle before the unit) ..../\..... ../....\..... /____\....

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to represent the Ring (continents) are together during the Olympics.

Why was the roman symbol x used to represent ten?

The Roman symbol "X" was used to represent ten because it resembles two "V"s (which stood for five each) placed together. This symbol was part of the Roman numeral system, which used various letters to represent different numbers.

What number can not be shown in Roman numerals?

The Romans had no numeral for the value zero, so '0' could not be represented by a numeral. However in the middle ages monks, who still used Roman numerals and wrote in Latin, introduced the numeral N (from the Latin Nulae, meaning nothing) to represent zero.

What are Roman Numeral fractions symbol S?

There is no specific symbol for Roman numeral fractions. The Romans did use fractions but they expressed them as a whole number followed by a fraction sign (usually "1/2", "1/4", or "1/8") placed after the whole number. For example, "II 1/2" would represent the number 2 and a half.

What is Y in numeral?

There is no Roman numeral represented by the symbol Y.

Any symbol that could represent a number?

Sign-value numeral systems, such as Roman numerals, repeat certain symbols a certain number of times to show how many should be in a particular decimal place. Abjad numeral systems use letters of the alphabet to represent numerical values.

What is symbol for roman numeral 11?

It is: 11 = XI as a Roman numeral

How can you represent Zero in Roman Numerals?

It can't be represented by any symbol.Another Answer:-The symbol for zero as a Roman numeral is N but it is never needed because the positional place value of Roman numerals are self evident.

A symbol or name of a number?

symbol of number= #