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You can confess your sins anywhere - not just in a church. Confession means simply saying that you are sorry to God for the things you have done wrong -either deliberately or unknowingly, and for the good things that you have failed to do. You can do this anywhere - in your own home, on the bus, sitting in a park - anywhere.

Roman Catholics, however, regard confession to a priest as customary, and this takes place within a church setting. There is no actual 'room' set aside, although often a small booth is used with the priest sitting on one side of a panel and the confessor on the other, so that privacy and anonymity are guaranteed.

This booth is called a confessional.

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Q: What is the room in a church you can confess your sins?
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You go to confession. In a catholic church, there is often a little room where the priest sits and you confess your sins to him.

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What is confess ion?

when you tell your sins to the Father in your church, and he cleans you and you have to try your best not to commit more sins

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Almost every time you go to church, they want every person to be a christian.AnswerNot all churches obligate anyone to confess their sins. This is a private matter between you and God to be done as needed.

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Go to a church and confess your sins to a priest inside the private confessional room. Then you will not feel guilty about yourself and you'll feel like a more better person.

Do Catholics confess their sins to a priest?

Yes, but technically, we confess our sins to God through the priest.

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Yes, you do have to confess your sins & get baptized in the Holy Spirit to go to heaven.

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Protestant Christians do not believe it necessary to have confession as the Catholic church does. It derives from the scripture that tells us that if we confess our sins, God will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But our confession is to God, not to the preacher/priest.

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Who is going to know and hold you accountable if you don't confess your sins before taking the Eucharist?

Do christians have to go to church to confess?

No. That is a purely Catholic belief. Catholics believe that you must go through the priest to confess your sins because we are still separated from God. Christians, on the other hand, believe that Jesus paid the price and therefore can have a full and wonderful relationship with God. This involves confessing sins to God, not through the church, but as a result of procation of the Holy Spirit.

Can divorced Catholics marry in another church?

Yes they can. However their marriage will not be recognized by the Catholic Church. They will incur auto-excommunication and will not be eligible to receive the sacraments in a Catholic Church until they regularize their marriage and confess their sins.

Can you Confess on Wikipedia?

Confess as the Catholics do in church - no.