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Q: What is the rule of law as it relates to the federal government?
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Which principle of government allows the federal court system to the rule on both the constitutionally and meaning of a federal law?


What is one power of the federal gaverment?

The states must obey the rules and laws of Federal Government.

How was the whiskey rebellion a victory for the federal government?

The whiskey rebellion was a victory for the federal government because it was one of the first test of federal authority in the United States history. It was also a commitment to the constitutional rule of law.

What is one major issue that the federal government?

One major issue is that the federal government regulates elections. It regulates more specially how they are done and how they are conducted. Also, it regulates the rule of law.

What are different types of governments?

Federal and state

What is one major issue that the federal government regulates?

One major issue is that the federal government regulates elections. It regulates more specially how they are done and how they are conducted. Also, it regulates the rule of law.

The notion that no one in the government is above the law is called?

the rule of law

What is the idea that government and its officers are always subject to?

Rule Of Law. :)

Why did southerners feels the federal government was not protecting their interests?

The federal government did not enforce the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793

What would be considered a federal law?

Any law passed by the federal government, as opposed to the states, would be considered a federal law.

What was the first and main source of inspiration the Colonist drew from to create their own government?

Rule of Law

What is a rule made by the government?

A law