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as proud as a peacock as proud as a peacock

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Q: What is the saying as proud as a what?
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If a girl from your class hits you pretty hard and kinda just smiles at you what is her body language saying?

it's saying that she's preety proud of herself, and likes to show off alot.

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James Brown!

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It's a female speaking and she's saying, "I'm proud of our name."

What computers virus do you have?

god i hope your not saying it like something to be proud of, but to answer your question i don't have any. I make my own anti virus/firewall

Should kids stop saying the Pledge Of Allegience?

he he he. I know it i corny but they do it because they are proud to be American and think it is cool. i respect them for that. but i admit it is cheesy

How can you make your parents proud when you are doing your best?

you can write them a not or draw a card saying that you just want them to be pruod of you or you want them to be pruod or something like that... does that help you... lol Or... You can tell them you got a good grade, or you made the team. Tell them things you, yourself, are proud of.

What is the Youngest baby ever to speak?

Ethan Lee Ross - 6 months old. Saying "mama". His mother, Sandra Ross, is very proud!

How do you spell proud as in i am proud of you?

Proud is the correct spelling.

Why is the Star Spangled Banner important to America?

When Americans sing it, they are saying how proud they are of their country. Just like any other country, it is America's National Anthem.