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Although there are people who belong to the priestly caste in Judaism, there are no priests in modern Judaism. When the Torah is read from, all Jewish men, 13 years old and up, wear a prayer shawl. The prayer shawl is called a Tallit.

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It is called a tallit and it has its origins in the Torah when God commands the Jewish people to put fringes on the corners of a four cornered garment.

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Q: What is the scarf that Jewish men wear?
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What is the name of a Jewish man's scarf?

Jewish men wear a tallit (or tallis) during prayer services.

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There is no special belt for Jewish men. But some Jewish men wear "tseetsteet katan", which is an undershirt that has fringes at the bottom.

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There is no such thing as a 'scripture scarf' in Judaism.

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Orthodox Jewish men sometimes do wear long robes.

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Sikhs wear the 5 k's, men wear the turban, and women are supposed to wear a long scarf

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I believe you are referring to the ascot.

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Men wear a colorful scarf called keffiyeh. Women wear a hijab.

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To protect herself from men's eyes  and to protect the men from concupiscence.

What do Jewish men wear on Shabbat?

Dignified clothing.

What is a Jewish kipot?

It is a small hat that Males wear, the singular is 'kippah' andit is pronounced ( KEY-pah). 'Kippot' is the plural. Religiously observant Jewish men always wear a kippah while other Jewish men, and sometimes Jewish women, wear them while praying.

What do people wear at Jewish weddings?

Men wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or slacks.