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Q: What is the scientific name for root hair cell?
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Does the root hair cell have a cell wall?

yes. A root hair cell has a cell wall.

Is a root hair a cell?

a root hair cell is the base of the plant

What a root hair cell is ks3?

root hair cell is ur hair on ur head

How does the shape of the root hair cell help to do its job?

The shape helps the root hair cell to move around the body, the nucleus helps the root hair cell, the root hair cell is about the same shape as a nerve cell

What is the name of the plant cell that absorbs water from soil?

Root hair

Does a root hair cell contain nucleus?

yes root hair cell do have a nucleus.

What is the Size of a root hair cell?

The root hair single cell is 80 - 1500um long. Its diameter is 5-17um. The root hair cell life is 2-3 weeks.

Dose a root hair cell have a cell membrane?

yes, all root hair cells have a cell membrane

What is the function of a root hair in a root hair cell?

a nucleus alwys controls whatever the cell does.

What is the size of the root hair cell?

The root hair single cell is 80 - 1500um long. Its diameter is 5-17um. The root hair cell life is 2-3 weeks.