

What is the scientific name for the White Rhinoceros?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Ceratotherium simum

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Q: What is the scientific name for the White Rhinoceros?
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What is the scientific name for a rhinocerus?

The question depends on which species of Rhinoceros you are asking about.White Rhinoceros: Ceratotherium simumBlack Rhinoceros: Diceros bicornisIndian Rhinoceros: Rhinoceros unicornisJavan Rhinoceros: R. sondaicusSumatran Rhinoceros: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis

What is the scientific names of one horn rhino?

Rhinoceros's scientific name is 'Rhinoceros unicornis'. They are large and strong animals that are native of Africa and the South of Asia. Despite their intimidating appearance, they are herbivorous, and sadly, they are an endangered species, due to the man's interest for their distinctive horns.

What is Black Rhinoceros scienctific name?

The scientific name for the Black rhinoceros is Diceros Bicornis.

what is the common and scientific name of a Black Rhinoceros?

Scientific name: Diceros Bicornis: “Di” meaning “two”, “cerato” meaning “horn” in Greek and “bi” meaning “two”, and “cornis” meaning “horn” in Latin. Common name: Black Rhinoceros Other common names Browse rhino Prehensile-lipped or hook-lipped rhinoceros Rhinoceros noir (French) Spitzmaulnashorn (German) Faru (Swahili)

Is white rhinoceros endangered?

Yes, the white rhinoceros is endangered.

How many rhinoceros are in the world?

There are 5 types of rhinoceros in the world including the White rhinoceros, the Black rhinoceros, the Indian rhinoceros, the Javan rhinoceros, and the Sumatran rhinoceros. There are only 3 White rhinoceros in the world protected by being in captivity. There are 44 Javan rhinoceros. There are 2,850 Indian rhinoceros. The remaining 18,000 in the world are White and Black rhinoceros.

What is common name of black rhinoceroses?

Black Rhinoceros is known as Hook-lipped Rhinocerosand scientific name is Diceros bicornis.

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The scientific name of white angel plant is Caladium bicolor.

What type of rhinoceros is almost extinct?

white rhinoceros