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Equus ferus przewalskii.

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Equus caballus przewalskii

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Q: What is the scientific name for the Przewalskis wild horse?
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What is the scientific name of a paint horse?

All horses breeds with the exception of a few wild horses carry the scientific name of Equus ferus caballus. The Tarpan(Eurasian wild horse) is Equus Ferus Ferus. And the Przewalskis horse is Equus ferus Przewalskii.

How long do przewalskis horses live for in the wild?

przewalskis horses are extinct from the wild so they are only found in captivity and they usually live for about 20 years in captivity

Scientific name for mustang wild horse?

Equus ferus caballus

What is the scientific name for the wild horses?

Clydesdales don't ave a scientific name, because they are a single breed of horse, but the scientific name for horses in general is Equus Caballus.The Clydesdale horse, being a single breed of horse, does not have its own scientific name. The scientific name for the species horse, however, is Equus ferus caballus.

What is the scientific name of horse?

The scientific name for horses is Equus caballus

What are the four ancestors of the modern horse?

The Forest horse Known also as Equus caballus silvaticus or as the Diluvial horse.The Asian Wild Horse Its scientific name is Equus caballus przewalskii. Also known as the Taki in Mongolia or called Kertag by the Kirghiz people.The Tarpan Its scientific name is Equus caballus gmelini.The Tundra horse.

What is the name of the only true wild horse left?

The only true wild horse is the Przewalski's horse.

What is the Spanish name for a horse Mustang?

Wild Horse

What is the scientific name for a wild tiger?

Wild tigers and tame tigers have the same scientific name: Panthera tigris.

In Australia what name is given to a wild horse?

In Australia, a wild horse is known as a brumby.

What is the Scientific name of the wild boar?

Wild Boar's Latin Classification- Sus Scrofa

What is the scientific name for the African wild dog?

The scientific name is: Lycaon pictus