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7.5 x 10-6

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Q: What is the scientific notation of a red blood cell with the diameter of 0.0000075?
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What is the scientific notation for a human red blood cell is about 0.000008 in diameter?

0.000008 in Scientific Notation = 8 x 10-6

What is the scientific notation of a red blood cell with the diameter of 0.0076?

It is 7.6*10^-3 unspecified units.

What is the diameter of a red blood cell in proper scientific notation?

It is approx 6*10^-6 metres although the SI system allows one to use an appropriate prefix instead, and say 6 micrometres.

What is the scientific notation for a humanwhite blood cell?

The answer depends on what aspect of the human white blood cell you are referring to: their number in an average person, their mass, radius, volume, etc.

When happens when the diameter of the blood vessel decreases?

Blood pressure increases if the diameter of the blood vessel decreases.

Explain relationship between the diameter of vessels and the velocity of blood?

describe and explain the relationship between the diameter of vessels and the velocity of blood

What is the scientific name for a blood stone?

the scientific name for a blood stone is heliotrope.

What conditions might cause blood vessels to change diameter?

Blood vessels can feel the shear stress caused by blood flow. When shear stress increases the blood vessel responds and the diameter becomes larger. Thus in short, changes in blood flow might cause blood vessels to change diameter.

What is Vasolidation?

increase in the diameter of blood vessel. it increases the blood flow

A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel is termed?


What is the scientific name for the blood fin tetra fish?

the scientific name for the blood fin tetra fish is Aphyocharax anisitsi

How big are platelets?

Very are very tiny and small. They are the smallest of the formed elements, or blood cells. The other larger ones are red and white blood cells.