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Most elements symbols come from their latin names. There is more than one element with a name beginning in N so to distinguish nickel from nitrogen (you couldn't write them both as N) one is written as N and the other as Ni

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Q: What is the second letter in a chemical symbol?
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The chemical symbol for chlorine is Cl, which is normal as many chemical symbols are derived from from the first letter and second or third letter of an element's name. the superscripted - sign means that the ion has an overall electric charge of -1.

How is the chemical symbol of an element determined-?

Usually the first and second letter of element can determine it's chemical symbol.

What is the rule when two letters are used by a chemical symbol?

The first letter is always capitalized, and the second letter is always lower case.

One of two letter designation for an element?

Chemical symbol

How many elements have the letter X in their chemical symbol?

Xenon has the chemical symbol Xe.

What is true about the First letter of a chemical symbol?

Not always... There are chemical elements beginning with the same letter - for example Copper and Cobalt. However - every chemical symbol does consist of two letters.

How are chemical symbol written?

The chemical symbol of a chemical element is derived fom the his name: the first letter or the first two letters.

In a properly written chemical symbol what is the first figure?

A chemical symbol refers to a chemical element; the first letter of a symbol depends on the chemical element.

Why can't you capitalize the second letter of a chemical symbol?

Capitalizing the second letter of chemical symbols would cause confusion. For example, if we capitalized the 'o' in Cobalt (Co) to appear as 'CO', then it would stand for two entirely different elements (carbon and oxygen).

Is there a convention for writing a chemical symbol?

The convention used for the chemical symbol of an element is so that you can determine the atomic mass.

Why has mendelevium have the chemical symbol you?

The symbol of mendelevium, Md: the first and the second letters of the name.