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The semi-fluid medium within a cell's nucleus that contains chromatin is called nucleoplasm. Nucleolus dark-staining, spherical body in the nucleus that produces ribosomal subunits.

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Q: What is the semi-fluid medium within a cell's nucleus that contains chromatin called?
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Chromatin contains proteins called?

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What cell is Chromatin found in?

Chromatin is found in every cell's nucleus. It contains DNA.

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Genetic material, composed of DNA that is packaged into string-like structures called chromatin, makes up a region called the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of a cell.In eukaryotes, the genetic material is found within the nucleus of the cell in a form of chromatins. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is suspended in a region known as nucleoid and also contains circular DNA called plasmids.

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Chromatin- granular material visible within the nucleus

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The nucleus of the cell is filled with DNA in the form of chromatin.

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The most tightly-coiled form of DNA is a chromosome.

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In the inter-phase nucleus of the cell is located a threadlike genetic material called chromatin.

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