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Physical development in children and young people follows a general sequence, starting with gross motor skills like crawling and walking, then progressing to fine motor skills like holding a pencil and tying shoelaces. The rate of development can vary among individuals, but typically follows a predictable pattern within an age range. Factors such as genetics, nutrition, and environment can influence the pace at which physical development occurs.

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Q: What is the sequence and rate of development for children and young people for physical development?
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Why do you say mapeh is important of people?

MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) is important for people because it promotes holistic development. It enhances creativity and critical thinking through arts and music, ensures physical fitness through physical education, and emphasizes the importance of health and well-being. Overall, MAPEH helps individuals lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Why do people like Jean Piaget's theory?

People like Jean Piaget's theory because it emphasizes the active role of children in constructing knowledge through their interactions with the environment. His stages of cognitive development provide a framework for understanding how children think and learn as they grow. Additionally, Piaget's theory has influenced education and child development practices worldwide.

What is a child-centred society?

A child-centred society prioritizes the well-being and rights of children in all aspects of decision-making, policy development, and resource allocation. It focuses on creating a nurturing environment that supports the holistic development and needs of children, ensuring they have opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential.

How can painting promote positive social development?

Painting can promote positive social development by providing a creative outlet for self-expression, fostering empathy and understanding as individuals share their creations with others, and creating a sense of community through collaborative art projects and group exhibitions that bring people together. Through painting, individuals can explore social issues, spark conversations, and promote social change.

What does it mean when people say kids are egocentric?

When people say that kids are egocentric, they mean that children tend to see the world primarily from their own perspective. They may have difficulty understanding or empathizing with the feelings and viewpoints of others. This is a normal part of development in early childhood.

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